Here is a little commissioned pet quilt of a sweet dog named Elvis...He has gone on to doggie heaven and he is a gift for his owner, Mike....It is so strange when I do these, because there is always a point where it just isn't working and I want to throw it all away and say, "I cant do it, sorry"...then I walk away for a while, come back and start adding more shadows and highlights and it starts to work. This was the most extreme example...I actually fished poor little Elvis, the quilt out of the garbage twice. I got him as close to the real thing as I could and I think it is ok...What do you think... I haven't been around much due to some kind of nasty virus....Andrew and I both have spent a lot of quality time in bed with fevers...My sister Julie, (bless her heart) is a pinhead just like my daughter Lisa....here is a quote that made me laugh despite the fact that it hurt like crazy to laugh...."I would worry you had the swine flu, but you haven't eaten any pork"...so then I asked her how you got the bird flu...she said from eating chicken! Ok, Jessica Simpson...so now I give her updates on my "pork flu"....I have a ton to do today after being in bed for a week! Better get busy!