I was tagged by Marva over at http://purplepaintsmuse.blogspot.com/ to share 8 random things about myself...I think my blog is a pretty good indicator of who I am and I have played this a couple of times before. I thought all night about where I wanted to take this and I figured out a theme..Gotta keep you interested you know. So mine is going to be about my pets and animal likes.....1. I am an animal lover, and over the years have had quite a few pets. My first random pet thing is about ducks. I love them. I grew up in a town where we had a duck pond and I adore baby ducks. I still do. I spent all my time as a little kid trying to catch one to raise as a pet. Finally, when I was eight, I caught one. I named him Yakky, like the duck on the Tom and Jerry. I made him a home in our laundry room. He quickly bonded to my mom and I, following us around peeping...We had him for about a month when my mom accidentally left the laundry room door opened and our cat Trooper ate him...all except for his little feet which fortunately I never saw. Trooper ran away from home shortly after. My mom said because we were mad at him but he was an unnuetered male and I think he was out with the ladies. I still would like to have a baby duck. 2. When we had Yakky, we also had a new puppy.....he was the homeliest little thing and I named him Chopper...he was the dog friend of Yakky the cartoon duck. We had him for 18 years. 3. I had a rabbit for four years that was a real character...He ran loose all over the yard and even followed me to the bus stop about 8 blocks away. I would get on the bus and then he would hop back home. He loved my mom. I am not talking about hearts and flowers love I am talking about rabbit lust....He spent all his time stalking her legs....it was a big joke in our house that is for sure. 4. I lured a baby goose under a fence one time when my kids were little away from it's mom and the goose came right over the fence at me and beat me with her wings until I threw the baby at her...we were mortal enemies from that point on. 5. I had a crazy cockatoo that I just loved named Sasha for a number of years. He was not in love with my mom, he HATED her and would chase her all thru the house. He slept on my headboard at night. when he was ready for bed he would look at me and say " here kitty, kitty kitty...when he was chasing my mom, he would laugh the whole time..a maniacal laugh. 6.There are three great horned owls around our house and I can tell who they are by their calls....Sometimes at night when I cant sleep, I go out and call to them and they will answer back...it is pretty cool. 7. When I was fifteen a high school boyfriend gave me a red legged tarantula for a present. This time my mom put her foot down and told me to GET IT OUT OF HERE....NOW! I gave it to my biology teacher who I didn't like but no one else wanted little "spidey"...It promptly bit the you know out of him..oh sweet justice. 8. One of the coolest things I have ever done was swim with the manatees in Florida. I was awestruck and amazed by these big ol' giants and how they loved me in the water with them..too awesome for words..... Now to tag eight people....I am going to tag Mrs Noodles, Andrea, Valerie, Ranny Jean,
Miss Pearl, Miss scary, Miss Angelcat, and Jessica....When they post their eight I will post that they have on my blog so we can all learn more about them!