Well, first of all, Lisa and baby went back to Portland. I am proud of how she has seemed to pull herself together. Her plan is to move to Utah in July once her programs are through and then work on integrating the kids back into her life. I am hopeful..As I said before, cautiously hopeful, but hopeful all the same. I see some signs of depression in her, and I just hope she continues to get help. I pray for her a lot. The kids were ok with her being here and ok with the baby. A little reserved but that is to be expected. We all cried when they left. A while back I won a prize on Margarets blog....http://aliceandcamilla.blogspot.com She had a contest to guess what kind of a stuffed animal she posted a picture of. I guessed a beaver, which was WRONG, but I won anyway! How cool is it to be wrong and win! She sent me these beautiful paper scrap roses and baskets...I already used two of them on my Paris tag that I am showing. I was pretty excited and the kids loved the cereal box she packaged it in with the Swedish version of cocoa puffs...Liv took it to school for show and tell..Thanks Margaret! You are a sweetheart and she is super talented too...I always ooh and ahhh over her art...Tamerie and Penny D also awarded me with two awards...both are great artists in different ways and I enjoy their blogs...I am posting the awards on the sidebar with their blogs...go look...They make pretty stuff!I don't have time tonight to forward them on so if you are reading this, consider yourself tagged....I also am posting the second part of the A R T banner....all in black and white and brown and I free motioned the R' on a piece of burlap...I finally got a picture of my cupcake pincushion...It really looks like one which is hard to believe since I hand sewed it and that is not my forte at all! Last of all, I am showing a picture of the Eggs that I got back in the Easter egg Garland swap..Aren't they pretty? We had them hanging in the living room for Easter...I have Julies big quilt on the quilter..I have two aprons cut out and ready to sew and I have started piecing another huge quilt for my oldest daughter who graduates from nursing school in June...I am still working though there are going to be some changes, still getting on the #@$$#$# treadmill, still using a straight iron on my hair and having long meaningful conversations with the three year old and the dog. That's about it for now...
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Lotsa stuff!
Well, first of all, Lisa and baby went back to Portland. I am proud of how she has seemed to pull herself together. Her plan is to move to Utah in July once her programs are through and then work on integrating the kids back into her life. I am hopeful..As I said before, cautiously hopeful, but hopeful all the same. I see some signs of depression in her, and I just hope she continues to get help. I pray for her a lot. The kids were ok with her being here and ok with the baby. A little reserved but that is to be expected. We all cried when they left. A while back I won a prize on Margarets blog....http://aliceandcamilla.blogspot.com She had a contest to guess what kind of a stuffed animal she posted a picture of. I guessed a beaver, which was WRONG, but I won anyway! How cool is it to be wrong and win! She sent me these beautiful paper scrap roses and baskets...I already used two of them on my Paris tag that I am showing. I was pretty excited and the kids loved the cereal box she packaged it in with the Swedish version of cocoa puffs...Liv took it to school for show and tell..Thanks Margaret! You are a sweetheart and she is super talented too...I always ooh and ahhh over her art...Tamerie and Penny D also awarded me with two awards...both are great artists in different ways and I enjoy their blogs...I am posting the awards on the sidebar with their blogs...go look...They make pretty stuff!I don't have time tonight to forward them on so if you are reading this, consider yourself tagged....I also am posting the second part of the A R T banner....all in black and white and brown and I free motioned the R' on a piece of burlap...I finally got a picture of my cupcake pincushion...It really looks like one which is hard to believe since I hand sewed it and that is not my forte at all! Last of all, I am showing a picture of the Eggs that I got back in the Easter egg Garland swap..Aren't they pretty? We had them hanging in the living room for Easter...I have Julies big quilt on the quilter..I have two aprons cut out and ready to sew and I have started piecing another huge quilt for my oldest daughter who graduates from nursing school in June...I am still working though there are going to be some changes, still getting on the #@$$#$# treadmill, still using a straight iron on my hair and having long meaningful conversations with the three year old and the dog. That's about it for now...
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Busy, Busy , busy and a new baby....

It seems like a long time since I have blogged...Usually when I don't, it is due to depression..This time though it is because I have been busy and having computer problems. I had to change my photo software cause it wouldn't pull anything up. I just haven't had the time to mess with it....Easter was great and relaxing, the kids enjoyed the day and the sunshine and then we had snow again for a few days. Very strange, but I guess it is like that here in the spring. I got my hair highlighted and the girl that did it also straightened it for me..she had it smooth as glass so Julie took a picture of it...(me with the kids..) I think it shows off my round cheeks...I dont have straight hair by any means and it was fun to have something new, fat face and all....That evening, we went and picked my youngest daughter up at the airport. (this is Olivia's and Andrew's mom). She also has a new baby boy. I have mixed feelings about this one, but he is a cute little guy. At this time, she is doing really well and trying to get back on her feet. She is in several counseling programs and going to Narcotics anonymous meetings. I am cautiously hopeful. She is visiting for another week and then going back to Portland to finish her programs and then she wants to move to Utah too...If she is serious about staying on the right path, she will get out of Portland. We will see...I have still been sewing a lot. I am working on a quilted wall hanging, I have been hand sewing little cupcake pincushions and I made this bag that I adore! I am posting a picture of it...It is big and roomy and I carry everything but a clean pair of underpants around in it! I took four days off from work and today was the first one...it has been strange being around the house without a zillion things to get done in one short day. Julie and I went to Lowes and bought a tree for the front yard and a bunch of flowers to plant. It is going to look so pretty out there! Olivia actually got sunburned today....this after snow three days ago...Like I said....strange!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Kids pictures and the start of an art banner...

Julie took the kids to get their pictures done..I really like them, especially the one where they are all looking at the bunnies...There were pictures with baby chicks too, but one pooped on Andrew so he was crying, and Jace was crying because Andrew was. Maybe next year. Take note of Andrew's kool aid mustache...(note to self...no red koolaid at least a week before pictures...) They thought having the animals with them was great, poop and all. I also started one of three banners..They will spell out A R T, when I am done and then they are mixed and matched in a swap. I am going to make mine all different just cause' I think it if fun that way. Gotta go get on that darn treadmill and then get ready for work! Have a great Thursday!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Molly quilt, Dagmar's heart quilt and pictures....

Now that I am working again, I realize how much time it takes to be a good blogger. I am trying, but it is tough. When I do get to do my own, it makes it hard to visit other peoples and see what they are doing. I continue to get better with my time management though. I think I may be even settling into some kind of routine. No more naps, I can tell you that much and I go to bed a whole lot earlier and get up earlier. I have religously been getting on the treadmill too...that is especially hard to make time for, but it is something that I just have to do. We are taking the kids to get Easter portraits done tomorrow. Olivia even picked out an Easter dress to wear...It is a white halter style with a yellow overlay and Andrew and Jace are going to wear yellow polos...The pictures are done with live bunnies and chicks. Hopefully Andrew won't squeeze one to death. (out of love, of course.)
When I get off the net, I have to give him a haircut and try to scrub the red koolaid off of his face. We have been working on it for two days..no lie...Oliva has been inviting all the kids in the neighborhood to our Easter Egg hunt so it may be totally out of control but it should be fun. I told her we will make cupcakes too. Since today was my day off, I made Sherry's mom an Easter present that she asked me to make for her...It is a pet quilt of her mom's dog Molly. She is a cute little thing. I also made a kind of a collage of some more pictures of my blog book that Sherry made me....Everything is so pretty. I still love to sit down and page thru it! Jessica from http://kidsnappingimscrapping.blogspot.com sent Sherry some lace on a tag and the cutest clay charm to her for me too and I guess she got it the day she mailed me the book...Sherry passed it on to me and I think it is so darn cute! I am going to put it on my pink charm bracelet. It is in the collage too. I also had to post a picture of the healing hearts quilt that Dagmar made....(her blog address is on the sidebar.) This is the quilt that I made a heart block for a little while back. Isnt it beautiful? I just think it is a wonderful gift for the lady who is going to get it and I hope it brightens her days. I have a zillion projects going, but not finished to show..I did find the piece to my quilting frame so I probably will get the big quilt going soon....That is about it for now...Thank you everyone for all your comments...I look so forward to them!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Huge quilt top done!
Just had to post a picture or two before work! This is my sister Julie's quilt. It was really fun to do because it was so unusual....I sewed it all in straight rows and then cut it into three different pieces, rearranged them and then sewed them back together..It then made all the straight blocks become "set on point blocks". This thing is huge! They have a king, and it is so big, you cant even see the borders...Jace likes it too and wanted to model it...I am hoping to quilt it on Sunday but I cant find a piece to my quilting machine......
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Art Share......a giveaway!
I read about this on Tamerie's blog http://alittleofthisthatandtheother.blogspot.com It sounds like a great idea to me and the first five people to respond will get a piece of art from me. I wont tell you what it is, because I dont know and I havent made it yet. The way to play is as follows: 1. I make no guarantee's you will like what I make, but I hope you do! 2.What you get will be created for you, so you wont get something I already made. 3.It will be done sometime this year....(probably right away since I know me) 4.you will have no clue what it is until you get it! 5.The catch? Do all this on your blog too...Repost all this on your blog and then come back and post on mine and you are entered....Then when you get your gift, post a picture on your blog....Who will the first five be? mmmmmmmmm......If you play, you can put me at the top of your list too if you like! Post note...so far I have Tamerie and Sherry!
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