My friend Cinda called me tonight and told me that I need to post on my here I am posting...The blog does'nt call to me like it used too....I think depression does that. I had a day off today and I had big plans but I spent the day in bed sleeping. It felt good, though I know it probably isnt the best idea.
So what is new here? I won the Biggest loser contest for our store...I lost about 18 pounds...I would say all the drama made it easier but I eat like a pig when I am unhappy so it actually made it harder....
Thanksgiving I went to my sister Julie's for an hour and then I went home....It didnt feel like a Holiday to me and I just missed the kids too much.
I went with a friend to Thanksgiving point to see the lights last night. They were really beautiful.
I am still working and trying to hold myself in one piece and we had the first snow last week. I was sad to see the cold come in.
I finished my apron that I made for a swap that I signed up for before Don left...It is on its way to Canada and the lady I made it for is just a sweetheart. It is our first is the apron...

The panel across the middle is three big pockets...I like this pattern a lot. It is out of a book....I also made her a heart ornament filled with lavender and some Christmas coasters....I got a cricut cartridge for making Christmas cards so Julie and I could do some together...We havent done it yet, but the snowman card is the first one I made. I love the orange with the turquoise....and the glitter...

Tonight I figured I should probably do something constructive so I made another card....Boy, cards are a lot of work! I can sew faster than I can make something out of paper....I make a huge mess too....Here is the card.

I have been trying to reclaim the house and make it just mine....Packing away the @#$%$%$#### persons things and getting them out of here....getting new bedding...Turning his closet into a shoe get the idea...I also painted a pine hutch and buffet black and the wall behind it a paprika red color.....I like it a lot. I forgot to move the printer and the mirrors underneath but you get the idea.....

I still have Thanksgiving and fall stuff outside and inside....pathetic I know....I am working towards getting it down and maybe putting up Christmas stuff....Not sure I can do it....We will see....This grief and anger stuff is like walking through a heavy fog....I wish it would lift...
One really wonderful thing did happen last week though.....My neighbor across the street, Jennica came over with her little girl and offered to bring me dinner that night...She read on my blog what happened and felt bad she didnt know. She did bring me the best dinner too that night a 9:30 too....It couldnt have been better timing kitchen was foodless and I mean food less.......I had lots of pet food though....Thanks so much Jennica for being kind...It means a lot to me.....I miss you all and I hope that I am back to myself soon...Thanks for all the support and love sent my way......Melinda