First of all, I have to announce that I just got a preview of Apronology the magazine by Somerset and my apron got a two page spread!!!!!! Woohoo! I am beyond thrilled. I screamed when I saw it and scared the you know out of everyone...This may be my 15 minutes of fame, so I decided it merited a scream. It looks so good and paid a tribute to my grandmas which I know they are smiling about! A nice surprise, that is for sure. It won't hit the stands until February. The two kids and the dog and I went to Oregon for Thanksgiving. We had a pretty good time and I got some rest and relaxation too....I even slept in! That probably was my favorite part. That and the great food. (What wasn't so great was the rough total of 16 hours of driving that I did. ) I also read a total of four books. Two were awesome! "Change of heart" by Jodi Piccoult and "host" by Stephanie Myers, the lady who wrote "twilight". I didn't go nutso over Twilight like some, but Host is a great read. Not sure why it was billed as an adult book though, no bad parts in it. Before Thanksgiving, I made some red and bright green Christmas goodies for the last swap that I joined and am participating in. It is the Snowflake and Sparkles swap. I am pretty sure my partner, Vickie got her pkge by now, so I am posting what I made. There is a Christmas cake stuffed with soft peppermints, a garland made out of fabric and sparkly tulle, and apron in white and red with a quilted border at the bottom and a decorated tin with some sparkly tags. The kids and I also made her some chocolate peanut clusters. I make them every year and they are a big fave around here. Oh yeah , and the snowman...I saw them on the cover of "Cloth, paper, scissors" and had to try one. It turned out so darn cute! The bestest part is, I used everything I had on hand except for a 2.oo package of clay and a bag of peppermints and for 4.00 I think she got a pretty nice box of stuff. I am also showing a picture of Liv with her bear in matching aprons. I made these as samples for a local store at their request. The bears apron is actually sized to fit an "American Girl doll". I just made up the pattern.
I am so excited to hear that you got a 2 page spread!!!! It seems not too long ago that you found out your apron was accepted. I cant wait until the issue actually comes out. Congrats again on getting into the magazine, that is really big.
Congratulations! Love your work.Thanks so much for inspiring and sharing!
Hey Melinda!!!! I'm so glad to see you're still posting! I miss you! I love your aprons and can't wait to see the mag!!! Liv is so cute in her apron and the matching bear apron is awesome!!!!! I love your snowman jar, I've been wanting to make one since my mag came but haven't had a chance. Maybe today, I took the day off. Marva
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