My good friend Marva in Colorado gave me this award and I am grateful that she thought of me...She is multi talented for sure..She draws and paints and sews and makes jewelry that is really beautiful. I know, cause I have a pair of her earrings. She also has an etsy shop where she sells things like collage sheets..the best thing about her though, is she is a good friend with a huge hearts and I am all about that! Thanks Marva and go see her....http://purplepaintsmuse.blogspot.com
The award works like this....(yes I took creative license and shortened it, I apologise but I really hate to type...) This blog invests and believes in the proximity, the nearness in space, time and relationships. These blogs are exceedingly charming.These kind bloggers aim to find and to be friends...deliver this to eight other bloggers and include this text.....( Marva has all the real words posted on her blog) My first award goes to a new friend Andrea, http://talkinghorsesart@blogspot.com/ she is a self taught quilter and artist and she makes some amazing stuff and she posts a lot too if you are looking for inspiration. I have just met Patty from Magpies nest, http:// bitze@wordpress.com she is very kind and also has a lot of inspiring things to see on her blog...Valerie at yarni gras, http://yarnigras@blogspot.com/ she is an apron maker, a mom and a great person... she also just showed a great bird treat for out birdie friends that the kids and I are going to do as "as our project" tomorrow...Jean at quiltingranny....http://quiltingranny.blogspot.com she is raising grand kids like me and her blog is about quilts and aprons and life and she is a good friend too...Jessica at kids napping, I'm scrapping, http://jessicarodarte.blogspot.com/ Kids and buttons and paper crafts galore...I love her tags and she uses a lot of pink too...how do you beat that? Sherry at "if I could set my soul free......http://ificouldsetmysoulfree.blogspot.com Very much a family person with the sweetest personality...she always gives me a lift with her good attitude about lifes curveballs...she also makes beautiful stuff and is a very caring person...and Debby H. at Inner reflections....http://innerreflections.typepad.com Debby is very busy all the time and she may not be able to pass this on, but I still wanted to acknowledge her...she is never to busy to reach out if someone is in need and offer her friendship and support and she is the altered book queen! I appreciate your kindness Debby, I just wanted you to know! Thanks to you all for making my life richer and keeping the loneliness at bay!!!!
OOoh...I am fainting. That is the nicest thing anybody has ever said about me. Thank you for calling me your friend..I am sooo honored! I hope that we will be able to continue this friendship for..well...if I may say forever?
Thank you my friend!
Melinda - I have to echo Andrea's sentiments! Thank you for your kind words, it's an honor to be considered one of your friends! You are such a talented artist and such a great inspiration for me! :) Marva
I almost missed this post! Thank you Melinda. How sweet of you to say! :) I have been enjoying your current projects! Oh, and I'm sorry your family is sick and going to bed early! :( *sending you warm chicken soup thoughts*
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