It snowed all last night and all day today and is showing no signs of letting up...There was no wind this morning so we all decided to go out and play...Andrew is the hardest to get ready..three layers of pants, a couple of shirts, find a hat that he is willing to wear..( most of them squish his face because he is all head just like a little Charlie Brown) then hunt down where he last threw his shoes...Zip and velcro a coat and adjust it just right and he is finally ready. (this is about a half hour process...) He walks out on the deck about three steps from the door, looks around and says loudly, "nope.....I not can, too cold...." Later on when he heard the fun he wanted to "go out" again...I looked around and said, "nope, I can't its too cold".....He just looked at me and didnt say anything back...Enjoy the snowman...
snow about knee deep here....want some? lol
Good weather to create and not worry about going anywhere here. My son is in California( Navy), he complaints about cold...50 degrees..is cold?
Nice snowman by the way!
Global warming? This is more snow than I think we've had all winter and I'm in Colorado! LOL!
great photo we didnt have any snow this year only a bit of frost!! I can so relate to it taking half an hour to get your son changed. I am dreading the back to school run tomorrow as it takes me ages to get my 3 sons changed for school!!
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