and it isn't without it's mistakes which is why I made one before the swap. I cut it out while I was watching the "next food network star" show and I wasn't paying attention and I cut on the fold...So I rearranged the fabric and cut again and made another mistake so I pieced it all together with the ruffle fabric which is the red. I also had some trouble with the ties because of my cutting but I improvised...I love this fabric...It's by Michael Miller and the pattern is called "The Bon App'etit apron. How did I do it while watching four kids? I let them build a huge fort in the living room, I fed them every time I thought I heard a stomach rumble and I let them stay inside and watch movies they have seen a gzillion times yet are still fascinated with. Yes, I know, I deserve the mother of the year award. Oh yeah, I told them unless there was blood I didn't want to hear about it...So yep, it is done....
I think it turned out great!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that Michael Miller fabric!! I love almost all of Michael Miller's fabric! That is the style of apron I'm hoping to get. I think you did great and I bet the kids had a blast in their living room fort!
The apron is fab!! Love that you didn't worry too much about the cutting errors and just improvised your way to a great apron!! All this with 4 kids to mind ... you are SUPERMOM!!!!
Hi There SuperMom! heheheee... what a fun post to read... I am so behind in visiting, and I am very sorry... I am loving that apron, "mistakes" and All! You always amaze me with your talents... Within that busy schedule of yours, I hope you'll be able to join us this Friday for the UnBirthday Party and Give~Away! If you missed my post about it, I have a link at the top of my sidebar... I'm off to read more! God bless...
Oooooooh!!!! I LOVE IT! I don't see mistakes! I see the CUTEST fabric with RED (I adore ALL things red!) trim! And holy cow! Four kiddos to entertain AND apron-making? YOU ROCK!
oooooh aahhhh, I love frilly aprons. The fabric is gorgeous. And a girl after my own heart on the fort building, lol. Seems like every time I have the grandkids we get a fort going. And for some reason it is alllllways different, in a different spot with different walls. Ahhh love creating memories. Arianna is still talkintg about working on her art when she gets home from trucking with us. She asked if we were coming out by Olivia on this trip, lol. Sorry to say we aren't, but we are on our way home. Hugz, Scary
Here is my thing for my babies:
Are you bleeding? Are you hurt? Are you puking? No? Then you are just tattling and my 3 can start 1 minute after their feet hit the ground in the mornings. But ya gotta love them in spite of their silliness! Love the apron! Gotta get to work on mine, working on other things related to the swap!
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