Thursday, July 31, 2008

Loss and grief....

The kids and I have lost an immediate family member, companion and friend, surrogate grandpa and our boat captain....We are devastated and while we attempt to pick up the pieces of our lives, I probably wont be blogging much....Please pray for our little family...Thanks to you all....Melinda


Sherry said...

I'm so sorry Melinda. I'll keep you and the kids in my thoughts and prayers.

Hugs to all of you,

Anonymous said...

Ohh Melinda... I am so very sorry to hear your sad news. It's always so painful when the Circle of Life completes itself and my heart just breaks for you, my friend. Please know that many prayers will be said for you and your dear family during this difficult time. God bless...

~gentle hug~

ScaryCheri said...

oh Melinda, I am so sorry sweetie. I have no idea what I can say but to let you know if you need anything, even if you just ned someone to talk with ok? please let me know. Big hugz for you and your family. Love and hugz, Cheri (Scary)

Genevieve said...

Oh I am so sorry...I came here to tell you that swap partner have been assigned on my blog but you and your family take the time needed to mourn your loss and get a hold of us when you can.

Studio Panorama said...

Melinda... my most sincere sympathy and condolences. My heart goes out to you.

Bev Froese

Helen in the UK said...

Melinda - I am so sorry for your loss. I have a small 'hug' ready to mail to you this afternoon. I have been thinking of you all day as I worked on a 'bigger hug' that will be ready soon :)
Take care of yourself and your little ones as you deal with your enormous loss.

Sherry said...

Hi Melinda,
I was just checking to see how you and the kids are doing? I've been thinking about you. Hope all is going okay.


Sherry said...

Just wanted you to know I'm thinking about you Melinda. Hope all is well.


Fannie said...

Sorry for your loss.


Anonymous said...

Melinda words are never enough at a time like this. Wish I could be there to take you out for a drink and give you a hug! Glad you are doing some art therapy. Hope the kids are OK. You too of coarse. I'll call you soon! Hugs, Sanna

Quiltingranny said...

When you get ready to leave the Island, mosey on over to Aberdeen, I have a bottle of Pear Wine in the fridge and no one to drink it with.
We can watch the kids play on the swings and just talk!
Please Email me, I am so sorry for your loss....we need to talk!

Quilting Ranny

LynnDel said...

Thank you for your comments, Melinda. I'm sorry about the loss of your partner. It seems to get better at times, but then you find yourself back in the same zone at other times. I guess the truer way of saying it is that it doesn't go away; it changes. The grief is always there, but you learn to live with it, and it isn't so raw any more. We were happy for most of our 31 years, but it seems that for the past four years, all I could remember were my regrets and the times I needed forgiveness. Only recently have I been able to enjoy reminiscing about the many good times. It's a surprise, and so good to have turned that corner.