Thursday, July 24, 2008

I got to sew!

Not for as much time as I would've liked, but any time is good time. Especially in this house. The neighbor up the hill just called and she is a single mom with two girls. I suspect that she has a pretty hard time. Anyway, she asked if her 9 year old could come here next week Monday thru Thursday while she works cause some plans with the grandparents fell through...I had Brianna come one day, and she and Olivia about drove me bonkers, but of course I said yes being the masochist that I am. That and I know how hard it can be to not have a sitter...Woo-hoo...four kids now...I am thinking of it as a good karma opportunity since no money will be involved. We are going to be spending a lot of time going to the beach and the park and enough said about that.

I finished this big ole quilt and I am so glad...I think the top was done about a year ago and it was moldering away on a shelf in my bedroom. I love the actual quilting, but I hate putting them on the quilter. I quilted really heavily around the center and then I washed and dried it and I love all the puckers...It looks so quilty and old fashioned. I also started another scrap quilt that is going to be cool... I am using a lot of bright colors...I have all the pieces that make the block all cut and sewn and one block done...I am not ready to show it yet. I cut out an apron too but I haven't sewn anything yet. Maybe tonight? we will see...I also have to show off this adorable little card that Sherry made me..I love the little parasol girl. She reminds me of things that my grandma had in her house. So sweet and old fashioned! Thanks Sherry!


Marva Plummer-Bruno said...

Melinda - I love this quilt! Beautiful bright colors! This card is too cute! I'm trying to figure out how she crocheted onto the edge! You're such a sweetheart, 4 kids... It'll be fun! :)Oh! I put my award on my blog! Marva

Angela said...

What a beautiful quilt Melinda. Good luck with the 4 kids. I'm not very good with children the thought of one gives me the shivers let alone 4. lol!

JennaLouiseCreates said...

Melinda...what a beautiful quilt! It is stunning! Thank you for the award, I'm so sorry I have been out of the loop. My FIL had a serious farming accident and we are thankful things are looking brighter. I'm so glad to have such thoughtful blogging friends! Thank you again! Cheers, Jenna Louise

Helen in the UK said...

Congrats on finishing your quilt project - it looks great :)
Good luck with the 4 kids - I'll be thinking of you :)

Anonymous said...

Melinda... You were such an angel to help out the neighbor by "babysitting"... I was a single Mom for 3 years, and you're right... it is not always an easy road...

Your quilt is just beautiful... I am always in awe of anyone that can make something like that! Ohhhh... and I just love that pretty Pink card that your friend made for you... such a neat gift!

3rdEyeMuse said...

that quilt looks amazing!

Barbara Hagerty said...

What a fabulous blog! I love everything I've seen here!

I'm thrilled with Sherry's crocheted edging on the vintage card!! Must try this myself!!! I love to crochet, but rarely use it in's my excuse!!