The kids and I went to Portland for five days and I just got back yesterday....It was good for all of us and we had a good time. I have just been playing catch up around the house and doing things that need to be done. Lat night I checked my email and was excited to see that I got one from Apronology! That is the new magazine by Somerset that debuts in February. I took a big risk for me and whipped up an apron and set it off and yep, I am going to be in it...well, my apron anyway but I bet when you look at it you will see me cause it is just my kind of thing. It was a big woohoo moment for me. I also have two bags ready to submit so now I am all excited about that. I hadnt heard about the apron, so I was hesitant. While I was catching up on my blog reading I went over to the "think pink" charms page and I saw the bracelet that Amber Dawn made and I just had to post it. It is soooo pretty....The think pink auction made over 3200.00 for Susan B Kommen...This was one of the prizes . Amber Dawn is also hosting the black and white charm swap and is looking for more people to take part. I am telling you, the charms you get back are beautiful, so come play....just click on the black and white charm swap logo on the sidebar for more info.....
WoW! Melinda, congrats to a well deserved artist! I was thrilled when I dropped by to visit and read all the upcoming things that are going on with you. So Kudos, good wishes, and blessings all around! Your blog looks lovely! Blessings, Katie
Congrats on the apron! That is so exciting. I cant wait to see it in the issue, although Feb. seems so far away.
Wowzie!!! I'm so proud of you Melinda!! I knew you would get published!!! I was showing your artwork off today to my grandaughters mom. She loves the things you made for me! Everyone is always so impressed when I show it off!!
Congratulations again!!
Congratulations, Melinda!! I think it's quite thrilling to know that you'l be published - too fun!
it really is great that the Pink Artists Project raised that much!
Congrats, Melinda! Doing the Happy Dance for you!
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