This month in our round robin journal project I had Miss Linda and her theme is "Silver Belle"...this was a struggle....I have always tried to use what is on hand and now it is a necessity...Unfortunately I had nothing that screamed out Silver Belle,...that and the song "silver bells would not get out of my freakin head for about two days....I finally just took out paper and blue and silver paint and went to town. I had seen an article in Somerset about fashion pages where you take a figure and then dress it using paper...so I tried it...I can tell it is a person, but my oldest daughter thought it was an octopus, so being me I put lips on the face figuring then you could tell it is a face. It cracks me up because almost every layout that I have done somehow involves blue, or it feels like it anyway and I am not a blue person. You can also tell the song "silver Bells" was running thru my brain cause the girl is in the city, You know, "it's christmas time in the city.." I have also been working on two matching Christmas aprons and they are done....I will show them when my swap partner gets them, until then they are a secret. Olivia helped with the sewing and she likes them a lot. She is pretty excited about getting her apron from our partners. I also got an award from Jean at http://thequiltingranny.blogspot.com/ We have one big thing in common....we both are raising grand kids. She has me beat though, she has three of them. She has been a great source of information and a support for me which I very much appreciate so Thank you Jean. You have to send this award to five people, one of them overseas...So I am sending this on to Sanna, http://sannasartmind.blogspot.com/ she is an amazing painter and a great friend, to Katie at http://ragamuffingal@blogspot.com/ she is a great paper artist and was the one who I exchanged wands with...mine is beautiful by the way, Also to Jessica, http://kidsnappingimscrapping.blogspot.com/ we have several things in common, she has a great sense of humor, loves buttons and makes sublime paper bag books and for my overseas pal I am going to pass this on to Dawn who put me on the Inspirational blog....This lady makes beautiful cards! go see...http://dawnscrafttime.blogspot.com Thanks again Jean!......The other picture is of my table all decorated for fall....My friend Cinda, bought me a box of cool little gourds and berries that I put in a cute bowl...the bowl is on a fall quilt table topper I made several years ago...Thanks again Cinda....
I love your current projects (especially the octopus one ;)...
Thank you so much for the award. That was so nice of you to think of me!
Wow! I opened up your blog and saw your beautiful art creations and became inspired immediately. The colors just pop! with excitement ~ Love all that you are doing!
Thanks also for the award ~ what a lovely surprise!
Melinda - I am still doing the happy dance for you! I'm so proud of you for your accomplishments and I can't wait to see the publication of your apron! YEAH! Jenna Louise
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