Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Woof woof........

When I first did the kitty portraits, my friend Helen in the UK complimented me on them and asked if I was going to do one of Cooper. We both thought a dog would be harder. After I did the lab puppy, I realized that it really wasn't much different. Then I offered to do her baby, Trevor. He is a golden retriever and has the sweetest face. She sent me three poses but I used the portrait of his face just because it showed more detail in the eyes and I think that I what shows their personalities. I hop you like it Helen...It is about an 11x 14. I have been matting mine in white and then putting them in a black frame. I will send it to you in the next couple of days....Melinda


Helen in the UK said...

Like it .... I LOVE IT!!!! Can't wait to see it in person. How wonderful that my baby is now imortalised in stitched art!!! Thanks Melinda, it is BRILLIANT :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Melinda... As always, your talents just amaze me! This is such a wonderful piece... Excellent job!

I want to thank you for your recentn visits and for the kind words regarding Mocha's death... it meant alot to me... I hope all is going well for you... God bless...

~hugs 'n prayers~


Marva Plummer-Bruno said...

Melinda - this is awesome!!! Totally amazing and inspiring! You never cease to amaze me!

Cindy Ericsson said...

So beautiful! I agree -- this breed has such expressive eyes, and you've done a wonderful job of capturing that.

Sherry said...

Very nice Melinda!! I know she will love it!! Your amazing!!!!


Jessica Rodarte said...

Wow. You're so talented!

JennaLouiseCreates said...

I love it, your work is wonderful. Thanks for sharing! Jenna Louise