Monday, October 27, 2008

three, two one.....

Three is how old our big boy Andrew is...He got his "monsta tuck cake" and for him, that was the best part of his "birday"...Then there are the three spooky pumpkins all lit up and scary, one for each kid. Then there are two aprons, one for a mommy and one for a daughter all done up in Christmas bling and last of all there is one...One green little cabinet card witch proclaiming "wicked" for all to see......


Marva Plummer-Bruno said...

Wow Melinda! You have been busy! Andrew's cake is awesome! Isn't it fun to do little kids' cakes?! I did a birdhouse one year for my son's birthday and he thought it was a real birdhouse! LOL! I love your aprons and you witch cabinet card is great! Fantastic idea to color her face green!!!

Sarah said...

that is one cool monsta tuck cake!

happy birthday little man

Helen in the UK said...

Happy belated birthday to Andrew. The cake is great :)
(PS: Hope you got my emails with pictures attached the other day - let me know if not.)

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhh... so much Eye Candy! Andrew is just a Cutie-Patootie!! Love those squigglie candles... LOL ... and those aprons are awesome!! Such a busy gal you are!!

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhh... so much Eye Candy! Andrew is just a Cutie-Patootie!! Love those squigglie candles... LOL ... and those aprons are awesome!! Such a busy gal you are!!

Sherry said...

Happy Birthday Andrew!! He looks so happy with his cake! The Jack-O-Lanterns looks great and the aprons are beautiful! You are definitely staying busy!!
