I had a nice relaxing day at home today after working six days this week. I wish I was working more, but my oldest daughter goes back to college this week, so no more built in babysitter. Now, it's time to find a weekend job somewhere...I do have a couple more Saturdays to work at the fabric store before it closes so maybe I can procrastinate a little.....Why was my day relaxing? Cause I sewed and painted and slept, then sewed some more...in between I sat on the deck in a pink Adirondack chair and daydreamed and I played with the kittens. I kept my headphones on and the ipod rocking so I didn't even hear the kids. I was on vacation while being here. Sometimes I have to do that, since I don't see a real vacation destination in my future. (much as I wish there was one...) I made an atc that really came out good...I thread painted all the details of the face and then used real paint to fill in and it is on a really nice piece of grey brocade. I cant even believe it is sewn...(one of those things that come out better than you think it will)....Olivia and I made her an apron and she did a lot of the sewing. I will show her in it tomorrow though cause she had to go to sleep early,(in the apron of course) and I made a postcard that is drying and I made a pillow...The crazy quilted square I showed a long time ago on the blog. My friend Sanna wanted a crazy quilt and I told her I DO NOT hand sew but I would try to make one. I made two twenty inch squares and they have sat and sat. In all reality, I know I never am going to finish a whole quilt so I made a pillow and I just love the thing. When I say pillows, what I actually make is pillow covers with an envelope back so I can change the covers when the whim hits and I recycle my old pillows....So what I am going to do is send her the pillow cover and she can do the same. I will find out if she reads my blog I guess, cause I am not going to say anything. I am going to make ME a pillow out of the other square cause I like it so much. Maybe tomorrow.....
I'm not surprised you're proud of that ATC - it is brilliant!! Hope Sanna likes her pillow.
Sounds like you really needed and deserved your 'vacation at home' :)
wow! that ATC is amazing! You should indeed be very pleased with yourself :)
Love the bright, fun pillowcase too
And with you working so hard, you need to take time for those little vacations once in a while - enjoy :)
What wonderful work you do!!! All of it looks so vibrant and colorful!!!
I think making a pillow instead of having the pieces sit and sit is a great idea! and even better, you and your friend will get to enjoy your great work!
I love your pillow! So many wonderful colours. I hope you find time for plenty more 'vacations at home' it's nice to be able to recharge the batteries from time to time!
the apron rocks, the artwork is simply beautiful................too many nice things to say. WOW!
OK I finally had a chance to breathe and see my beautiful pillow on your blog! I do love it and as soon as I get the inside piece I will post a pic!m It's very special and oh so personal really means a lot to me gf! So maybe one day you will marry a millionaire and have the time to make me my quilt, because you wont have to work so hard on the dull stuff! Like cooking and cleaning and job hunting. Imagine the two of us when the kids are all grown? We will be unstoppable! I love you sweetie! Hugs and many many thanks, Sanna Banana
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