Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Another dog portrait and a decision.......

I approached the very talented Kris Hubick with an idea for a trade.....I needed collage sheets and she expressed a desire for a portrait of her beloved mini Pin.....Here is her pet all done up, red collar and spikes and all. The color choices were hers and of course, they are my favorites too, so that made it especially fun for me. Have you seen her collage sheets? I love the Valentine Dolls...I saw them and fell in love...go see at You can see some of the art made with the sheets...It is pretty fun. I am going to use the sheets to make some Valentines heart for Jean the quilting Ranny.....I have been busy visiting blogs that are part of the "One heart, One World" giveaway...I already have made some new friends and I have seen ideas that make me want to run down to the basement and give it a try...The talent that is out there is amazing and the funny thing is a lot of us still struggle with accepting that it is talent that lets us do this. I get asked if I sell things and the truth is, I don't have the confidence to do it. If asked I will, but to just put myself out there...YIKES! I know a lot of you know what I am talking about. So far I think I have visited about 150 blogs...I think a lot of people just enter then leave, but I have to see what that person is all about and look at pictures. I have been a nervous wreck lately, and not sleeping much so this is what I have been doing. I did finally make the decision to move out and off the island by March first. I am scared, nervous and wondering if I am up to all the work involved but I feel some peace about it. It is going to be another huge change for my little family. We have had every major stress trigger on the scale.. Might as well add one more, then we can move onto our new and happy life!


Anonymous said...

I ♥ your latest Pet Portrait... another Excellent job, Melinda! I'm really happy for you, in that you've made such an important decision and are at Peace with it ~hug~ ... I know about those fears 'n nervousness that you have, and I believe it's just part of the process as you move across these stepping-stones in your life right now. I also believe that on March 1st, a year from now, you will be even more at Peace with yourself and your life than you'd ever dreamed possible!! Nudge the Big Dog aside and get some sleep when you can... God bless...

~hugs 'n prayers~


Maija said...

That is an AMAZING pet portrait!!
Kristin's sheets really rock- the quality is fabulous, and her images are delightful!!
Can't wait to see what you do with them!

Quiltingranny said...

The island will be less colorful without you and the children. Put your things up for sale, the first time is scary but after that...When I sold my first quilt, I keep thinking they would return it, but they didn't and ordered 2 more! You are talented!

Anonymous said...

When you get a chance, stop by, please... I have a tag for you that will be fun and give you something different to do!

XOXO... Pearl

Retro Cafe' Art Gallery said...

I am THRILLED to pieces with my Zeus collage!!!! I'm sure it will be even more lovely in person! YOU ROCK!

Helen in the UK said...

You really have a talent for those pet portraits - great job!!
The move (and all the work involved prior) will be TOUGH. BUT ... I'm sure this is going to be the key to getting your life back on track. Be strong :)

Marilyn said...

Oh, Melinda, it's beautiful! You do amazing work...and I would encourage you to jump in and sell.
I'm glad you're feeling at peace with your decision to move--I think some of our scariest changes turn out to be the best ones.

Marva Plummer-Bruno said...

Melinda this is amazing!!!! I'm so glad you've made a decision. It's normal to be nervous - think of all the new things you'll see and get to experience. :D Marva

martha brown said...

I have some of Kristen's sheets and I love them too! OMG!! You're moving. good luck with all of the packing, etc -- I wish that I could be there to help you. I've moved many many times (hopefully, no more) and even have moved to a new country once (I moved to Indianapolis -- wish I had known Kristen then.....). Moves are good for your karma. If you believe in that stuff.... If not -- embrace change!

Yarni Gras! said...

I know it couldn't have been an easy decision...but deciding is sometimes the hardest part. Hope all works well from here out........and I love the pet portraits you do!