It is Spring Break here on the Island and unfortunately, the kids are sick again. If this darn weather would just warm and dry up for a while so we can get well! We were going to do some camping, but I don't dare take them out like this. We are going to the zoo in Seattle on Friday and I have been keeping them occupied with crafty things.. I decided to start scrapbooking again. I take a lot of pictures and I haven't done any in a long time. Probably since I started sewing. I really do it for the kids and grandkids. I come from a scrapbboking family on my mothers side. I know so much about them because it is all documented. I have never even seen a picture of my dads father...Kind of sad really. My great grandfather was the first scrapbooker and when I was a kid I would spend hours looking at his "books." He used Paris "match" magazines as his canvas and I suppose they were more altered books than scrapbooks but they told his views on the world, pictures of things that interested him and things about his family....My Grandma was next in line and she had books for everything....I am showing a picture of my Grandpas world war two scrapbook. I even have the Western Union telegram that he sent her when my mom was born. What a treasure these books are and how lucky I am to have them! I had someone tell me they don't scrapbook because everything will be outdated soon...Well, gee, that is half the fun when you are looking at an earlier generations memories. So that is what I did today....I did a couple of layouts and let the kids cut and paste and embellish too...The postcard that I am showing is all fabric and it is part of a dress series that I am going to do...There is going to be a trade on my fabric atc group and I wanted to do something different. I ran out of timtex, or I would be working on the next one now...It is going to be in pastels...Well Andrew wants to "sit in lap" time to go for now...
oh Melinda how absolutely cool. I love it. The colors are fabulous. ANd I love your grampa's scrap book. How neat to have one to look at. We have boxes of pictures, lol. I just got to see the first ones ever of me as a toddler this year. I scanned them all to my computer so I could give them back to Dad. There were only a couple but good enough for a start, lol. My son and I went through our photo albums not long ago and it was fun. Wish I had them all scrapped with something about the pictures. That would be neat for them. I hope everyone gets to feeling better. Enjoy the zoo. Hugz, Scary
Hope those germs don't spoil the holidays! How wonderful to have all those memories preserved. Love the new PC :)
Scrolling down your blog and oohing and ahhing over your gorgeous fabric ATC's... when I spot your envelopes in your grandmother's scrapbook when "Astoria" caught my eye. I must drive up and down 8th about two to four times a day. No doubt I have passed by your grandparent's house a gazillion times
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