It is that time again Mrs. Matlock and I am here all ready for class....I brought you a jar of homemade Quince jelly to quell your sweet tooth...
I know the class knows I am a Quilter so my essay is going to be Q is for quilts, right? Wrong! That would just be to easy and expected. Because I am a Quirky kind of gal...You know, queer as in funny ha-ha....So my q is Q is for Q-tips....Why Q-tips?

Because we all have dirty ears and they need to be cleaned quickly and quietly. So with out further quibbel or quarrel, I bring you the Q-tip.

First of all, since U always comes after Q, shouldnt it be a QU tip? Well, duh.....Who decided the U after Q rule anyway? As Mrs. Matlock says, I am off on a tangent....ok, back on track....The person who invented these to clean babies ears first called them "baby gays" ....Then he changed them to Q tips...and the q stands for Quality...I always wondered what the darn Q was for....In Europe they are called cotton buds and in South Africa ear buds.....which brings me to a story....(tangent)
I dated a man from New Zealand for 7 years and one morning he yelled from the bathroom..."we are out of ear buds"...I was half asleep and what I heard was "mumble, mumble, mumble ear bugs....." I have a phobia about earwigs and freaked out. Ran in the kitchen, got a can of Raid bug spray, ripped open the bathroom door, held my breath and shut my eyes and sprayed for all I was worth....I dang near killed the man. It is funny now....and he learned to call them Q tips very quickly...Now wasnt that a quaint and quirky post about Q tips....Oh yeah, you are not supposed to put them in your ear canal, which leads me to another Quick digression...(tangent)
If you are not supposed to put them in your ears, why make them to fit the inside of your ears? HELLO? Goodbye.....
post script: Dont forget to scroll down and take a look at my vintage trailer pictures that I just posted!!!!!
I am so impressed that I have commented on everyones blog today . I so remember putting a cotton bud ( I am english) to far into my ear wow it hurts
That was a very funny story LOL. I guess when your with someone from another country in pays to learn their way of speaking. If not, you could sprayed with bug spray ;0). Interesting stuff about Q-tips that I never knew.
hah we call them cotton buds too...
I wonder if the Queen uses Q tips?
You are funny, girl friend! :^)
I was floored when I took my daughter to the Dr. and he told me NOT to clean her ears with Qtips - WHA? I so don't get that.
No Q tips for our ears! But I do use them for finger nail polish remover.
Great story! I always enjoy your blog!
I gave you a sunshine award on my blog!
lol ... poor guy ... at least you both lived to tell the tale! Your post was both funny and informative, so i think that the teacher should be giving you an A++ for this one!
tehe...what a great post! In Australia we call them cotton buds!
Yep in Aussie they are cotton buds and you definately do not put they DOWN in your ear canal which I have found out. YOW !! I am sitting hear with an excurciating earache as I have burst the eardrum which is now infected because I put the the Qtip in my ear.
Having said that I still enjoyed your post.
Very cute trailer, below!
Q-tips - well, I remember being told not to put anything smaller than my elbow into my ear - so I guess I'll pass on the Q-tips!......although they're great for cleaning dust from the keyboard!
Oh that image made me laugh out loud! I have tears streaming down my face right now - poor man, must have thought you were demented!! Cotton buds for me - and yes they do hurt if you push them too far down!!
Very Quirky post :-) Funny story about the Raid!
Funny story about the bug spray!
What a funny post! I love your tangents! Thanks for this informative post on Q tips!
We call them cotton buds over here too.
Best wishes,
Good Morning Melinda,
That song, Quinn the Eskimo, is attached to my blog via my playlist if you have sound, you can listen. It is a catchy tune.
I'm off to read about your trailer RE-do...I'm all into "RE's...
Thanks for sharing your "Q" today and for stopping by the farmhouse for a visit. We love having company.
Good Morning Melinda,
That song, Quinn the Eskimo, is attached to my blog via my playlist if you have sound, you can listen. It is a catchy tune.
I'm off to read about your trailer RE-do...I'm all into "RE's...
Thanks for sharing your "Q" today and for stopping by the farmhouse for a visit. We love having company.
Ah great minds think alike! However your post had me laughing, who'd thunk that baby gays would be so funny?!
I love a Q-tip. Yeah, the first time I heard "cotton bud" I was confused. So funny. I suppose Q tip sounds funny, too. Now my English fiance says Qtips. Hee hee.
I came by to visit and found out I had already been here! Recognized the post right away! Yahoo!
Super Q post...ear buds...I thought that is what you get when you buy an iPod?? I love the looks of your trailer...can't wait to see the outside..Peace and blessings
Hi Melinda!
What a wonderful Q post. I laughed, I cried (OK, I didn't really) and I oohed over that picture of the bunnies in the cups....awwwwww...
Love Jeff's comment. Perhaps Q-tip should make ear-bud covers...clean your ears while you rock out to your iPod!
I always love my stops here Melinda...this week is no exception...and I will be chuckling all day from you running in with the can of Raid. Really funny!
I can't help but laugh out loud when your New Zealand man yelled out for "ear buds", and what happened after that.
Thanks for a wonderful post..
Okay, 1st, because of slow internet, I can't normally download your lovely background... It's SO very pretty.
Now... your ear buds story is quite funny. I like it too cause, as Americans, we can get thinking that everyone says things our way, when there's just a lot of other words out there. You had a cross-cultural experience in the bathroom. :)
Glad you are feeling better.
My BIL is from New Zealand, and the first time I heard him call q-tips cotton buds I had NO idea what he was talking about. But at least I've never sprayed him with Raid :) Cute post. And I did take a gander at your vintage trailer - it's adorable! What a fun project. Kathy
Very Quirky post Melinda!
i literally guffawed reading this...so funny!
LOL!! The poor man!
I did just see the cowgirl redo below... WOW!! Looking great! Such fun!!
What an honor for your grandfather to have received an invitation to the Queen's coronation!! I'm so glad that someone in your family still has it.
great story, certainly one to tell again again - ear buds? - have not heard of that but it's good to remember for next time
thanks for your visit
This post definitely made me laugh..very funny indeed!
Well, at least, the Q-tip is versatile enough for many tasks...and it can clean all the nooks and crannies in the outer ear!!! Good post!
Hi Melinda!!
Thank you so much for your visit to my new blog and nice comment!! To enter the giveaway all you need to do is add your blog to my follower list and thats it!
Your blog is such fun and I'm coming back to really give it a top to bottom lookie!!
I'm your newest follower and love the pup under your follower list :-)))
I like your blog. A bunch of different things going on!
You are funny
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