Another busy, busy couple of days but I got it quilted and Thomas the cat says it's going to be a big hit...He is always my partner in crime (Quilting) in the sewing room...Now just in case you win, and you don't appreciate cat hair I will say that I always wash a quilt and wrap it up pretty before sending it on it's way. I love the quilted look it gets as everything comes together...Boyfriend and I went to another baseball game last night and had a great time and then today, we went with Julie and Steve and baby Jace to the Utah State fair...There are some rockin' quilters here for sure! I shouldve brought a camera, but of course I didn't. My favorite is always the animal barns though. I love the goats and the chickens and bunnies. So did Jace until a rooster crowed and he got scared and screamed bloody murder... I am leaving Monday morning for Portland. I will be gone for a week and I am so excited to see my babies!!!!!!! I will probably cry my eyes out when I see them. Julie is driving with me so it should be fun. Road trip...mmmmmmm..I hate riding in the car, but it will be worth it to see the kids! I am going to announce the quilt winner a week from Tuesday..I am having more fun doing this. I have been so blessed to make such good friends through blogging, and I am hoping to make some more! One of my good friends is Tonya at http://tonyassewingroom.blogspot.com and she had a post about how "where and How did we start quilting?' and "What started us on this wonderful endless journey" So, I thought I would write my piece too...it first came from Daisy at http://daisyquilts.blogspot.com. I have said it before and you may have read it, but I flunked Home ec sewing....Looking back I think it moved to slow and the ole ADD thing kicked in and I was bored...I honestly didnt think I would ever enjoy sewing but I liked the idea of it. When I was forty I started scrapbooking and became obsessed and then I started looking at fabrics...It isn't a huge jump from paper to fabric. At least it wasn't in my mind. I told my boyfriend James that I wanted to make a quilt and needed a sewing machine so he took me on a shopping trip and loaded me up...(what a sweetheart huh?) I was worried when it took me a day to thread the thing. I taught myself to sew and quilt using a Joanns block of the month quilt...I made two from start to finish, including free motion quilting them under my machine and I fell in love. The first quilt I finished is downstairs on my couch now and yes, it is a hot mess, but I love it. I had given it to my grandma and she adored it and showed everybody and even entered it in the Tillamook County Fair ( much to my horror)....It got a mercy red ribbon...When she passed away my dad gave it back to me and I treasure it. I went from quilting to art quilting and fabric art...My favorite part is picking the fabric and the piecing...the binding being my least favorite though by then I am excited to have it finished. I machine stitch it all including the back of the binding. I also am not a meticulous quilter but what I am is a joyful quilter...I think to me it means expressing myself in fabric and having fun. I love bright colors and a lot of pattern. I would have a hard time working with some of the more traditional lines of fabrics. I have always said that someday I will be making quilts to giveaway and I think I am about there. I love giving them as gifts and my quilts are made to be used, loved and get worn out. They will never be in a quilt show but they are made with love while I am singing and dancing my little heart out...And why do you quilt?
I aced Home Ec, but I know what you mean about it moving too slow. Who wants to make an apron? Great idea about telling our sewing stories. Think I'll do it also.
The new picture looks so much more delicious than the one where you announced the giveaway.
A little cat hair won't hurt a thing! LOL.
I took what was at that time the "boys version" of Home Ec, called Family life. We made an apron too. I never wear an apron to this day. But I do sew!
What a great giveaway. I also make my quilts to be used and love having one on my bed.
Hey friend! How are you? Oh I am finally through with my busy season and back to needles and blogging:) What a beautiful give away, it's so great to have such wonderful blogging friends! I've missed my computer these past few weeks. The inspiration is worth a million:) I hope this note finds you doing well. Blessings, Jenna Louise
oh it's fabulous...and the cat too! love your story of your grandma's quilt you gave her coming back to you. what a beautiful thing!
What a great story! I've never made a quilt. I've cut a couple out and even sewed all the pieces together. I just never got around to the quilting part of it. Those pieces aren't going anywhere, so maybe one day I'll get to it.
My very first quilt was a full sized King quilt made totally out of Harley bandanas and flag bandanas for my husband. It was perfectly aligned (don't ask me how) and hand tied. It took me over 7 years to finish it & now it graces our bed each summer!
Does the cat come with the quilt? I want the cat.
Very cute quilt too! But I'm very fond of photos of quilts with cats!
I don't quilt..like "quilt-quilt" but I LOVE quilts! And while scanning through your posts, love what you do ..Oh and the Elvis one? SOOOOO beautiful..made my heart ache and smile at the same time! Cane over from Buttons n' Lace and so happy that I did! So, where in Utah are you? I'm in Sandy...by the Quilt shops! Bet you've been right down the street and I never knew you..small world, huh?
Anyway, I'll be back - I love your fiber art!
I just sign up for the giveaway! Love the colors!
I quilt because I like to create and I love to sew! I used to sew clothes, but now I am addicted to quilting!
Happy sewing!
liked reading about your way in to quilting. I was quite good at school at needlework as my mum taught me from a young age..but I once got told off by the teacher!! for using invisible hemming on a skirt just because I didnt do it her way...rebel at a young age. I have just started having a go at quilting and like all the different style I see. Have a good road trip and enjoy seeing the children again
love you quilting intro Melissa, so cool to find out more about you. My efforts at quilting are under the bed rather than on it! really must finish it at some stage...
i love quilts too. I hope I win.
I'm so excited that you get to visit your kiddos!
Just came over to your blog from Lauries. I love your quilts. I much prefer them with cat hair. I no longer have my kitty of 22 years but she always seemed to bless it as I worked by sitting on it and catching a nap. Now that she's gone, I guess I don't quilt either.
My cat, Sammy, looks just like your Thomas! How cute!
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