My quilt giveaway was so fun...kind of sad to see it over but I have been pretty busy. First of all, I am finally organized as fair as my sewing and art supplies go...it has been a long, long time...I mean everything has a place instead of just randomly thrown in bins...It has made a huge difference and I found all kinds of cool stuff! It was almost as fun as going thru someones attic and finding all kinds of treasures..I am still amazed at how many big pieces of fabric I have and now they are all folded and neatly put away in their very own bin. It took me two days to get it done but it was worth it. I have moved so much that it has just gotten worse with every move...I also got a new kitten and boy is he cute...Thomas is spitting mad at me and Cooper is just so jealous he cant stand it...I just decided on a whim that I needed a kitten and I found this adorable little guy...he is super tiny..The first night it was like having a newborn baby in the house...He cried and woke up every two hours. Now he has settled right in. I named him Joe Bobbin. He almost is too little to be away from his mama but I am doing better with him every day...I have scratches all over my arms from his little needle claws. I love kittens! I took a picture of Cooper, the kitten and I and Cooper had to try to jump on my lap....notice the stick in his mouth? that is him being neurotic about the kitten...'see my stick? "see my stick!!!" Thomas was off sulking somewhere...I also have been working on a baby girl quilt. This the top almost finished. I actually got it done tonight and I am going to quilt it up tomorrow. I made it for my blogger friend Jessica who is expecting her third little girl. I remember for my first baby, all the baby gifts, then a little less for the second, and the third even less. I just wanted her to have something special. It is in really soft colors by moda..pinks, yellow, cream and a little bit of brown..I found the pattern at the Utah quilt guild show...It is called "somebunny loves me"...Just thought it was adorable. I appliqued the bunny in soft pink chenille..I really like it and I hope she does too!
all are totally adorable!
Welcome Joe Bobbin! Lovely to see Cooper featured on your blog again - it is funny when they get jealous isn't it. Enjoy your newly organised space ... the girly quilt is gorgeous :)
That photo of Cooper wanting to show his little brother the stick is adorable! And, looks like he thinks he's a lap dog - too cute! It's a precious photo!
I need to call you and make arrangements to receive my BEAUTIFUL quilt! This week-end was a blur..and next Sunday I'm off for my birthday in Chicago - but I'd love to meet you !
I'll call. I promise. Have a fun day with Joe & Cooper :-)
What a sweet kitty! I love his name! My dog would be the same way...
The quilt is so beautiful, Melinda! Thank you so much. You are too sweet to make me one. :D
Your new kitten is darling!
Joe Bobbin is the perfect name for your adorable new baby! He is just so cute. I'm sure, in time, Cooper will grow to love him. I'm sure Thomas will come around, too. In the meantime, enjoy him while he's so tiny.
Joe Bobbin.......how cute!
You look much happier my dear!
I love the baby quilt!!! It's fabulous! And I love, love, love the kitten!!! Tell Cooper not to eat it!
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