Thursday, March 12, 2009

Back with a vengeance.....

Not really, but it sounded catchy...Well, we are in Utah and I am still somewhat sane. At least the voices in my head tell me so. I have missed blogging like crazy! It is weird how it gets to be such a part of your life along with the friends you make. I have missed everyone a lot! We got here last Wednesday and I wont say that things have always been smooth but they are better now. It was an experienced driving thru four states with two kids, a huge dog and a cat. If you look at the pictures, you will see why I havent been posting before today...HUGE MESS everywhere....I am plugging along. I have so much to be thankful for though and since today is Thankful Thursday here goes....We got here safely....the kids have a zillion other kids to play with and they just love it, my nephew Jace is adorable and I just love having a baby around, and best of all...drumroll......I got a job the second day I was here! I drove by a Bernina / fabric store when I was pulling into my neighborhood for the first time, and I thought, " I am going to work there"..I went in the next day and there was a sign that they had just put out..."help wanted." Can you believe it? If I had any doubt about if moving to Utah was where I am supposed to be, this erased it. I start on Monday. Thank you God!!!! This is after trying (begging) for any kind of job I could get on Whidbey Island. I am starting as the stores assistant manager too....I hope to get around to visit everyone soon and maybe make something....


Sarah C said...

Im so glad to hear that you are back and everything is going well now. COngrats on getting your job. What a great opportunity.

I actually have a question for you. I will be moving within the next month and I will be taking 2 cats who hate to be in the car with me. Any suggestions? How did you do it?

Marilyn said...

Glad the move was made safely AND glad to have you back blogging! Missed you:) It looks like you're in a beautiful home--I love the area that your sewing machine is in! Congratulations on the new job too!

Tamerie Shriver Halliday said...

It sounds like things are coming together for you. Congratulations on the job at Bernina, my personal favorite.

Glad you are back!


Talking Horses Arts said...

Ooh Melinda I am soooo happy for you!!! Good luck over there girl..hope to talk to you soon.
Would you mind telling me where you are at in Utah...maybe I can come and visit you some day?
Love you and proud of you!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Melinda... Welcome back to blogland... I missed you and have been "watching" for your return! I'm really glad to learn that your trip/move was safe. So nice that the kids have playmates, also. Things might be a bit cluttered for awhile, but I'm betting it won't be too long before you have it all organized and comfy!

On Your NEW JOB ! ! !

Isn't it a comfort to know that it's true that God doesn't close a door on us, without opening another? ~hugs~ ...and, Assistant Manager no-less! YAY!! ...I'm so thrilled for you and so thankful for such a Loving and Providing God...

Please know that you remain in my thoughts 'n prayers...
God bless...

~hugs 'n prayers~


When the "dust settles", send me an email, please ~

Margaret said...

Great to have you back Melinda! I've been wondering how you were getting on. And a job, not just any old job but a job in a fabric store!!! brilliant, enjoy settling in!

Sarah said...

welcome back to blogland, have missed youuuu :)

how's about that perfect job, eh? sounds like someone's looking out for you x

Quiltingranny said...

I told you that you would find a job right away. I am so happy for you and the kids look happy! Melinda, God has great plans for you.

JennaLouiseCreates said...

Melinda - I'm so happy you are safe and found such a wonderful job right away. I love my Bernina! Everything happens for a reason, blessings to you and your family. Thanks for stopping at my blog too:) Your friend, Jenna Louise

Marva Plummer-Bruno said...

Melinda!!! I'm so glad you're back!!! That is so awesome about the Bernina store!!!! Now that is definitely a sign! :D (big smile)! I missed you lady! I think you'll love Utah, sunny and beautiful. How far are you from the mountains? Marva

jennalee said...

melinda, glad you are back online and moved and a new job wow, sounds like it's right up your alley. congrats.

Quiltmoose - Dagmar said...

Melinda, it's great to have you back!
I am glad to hear that you are okay and that you even found a job so soon! Best wishes for the new stage in your life!!

Take care,

Laurie said...

It sounds like you're enjoying even the chaos! Congratulations on finding a job so soon! I'm sure you'll be regaling us with stories of your new job!

Helen in the UK said...

How wonderful to find that not only are you happily (even if messily!) in Utah .... but you have a great new job sorted already!! Now I'm keeping everything crossed for you and the kids (and Cooper too) that this really is the start of your new, better life :)

~*~Patty S said...

Congratulations on landing a dream job Melinda! The hardest part about working there will be not spending your whole paycheck on gorgeous fabrics LOL! So nice to see you taking to your new environment, change can be unsettling but so exciting too....helps shake things up! I am very happy for you!

Yarni Gras! said...

Oh, everything sounds good.......maybe not easy, but GOOD. I hope you love your NEW JOB! I'm hoping to find one soon too. As for the kids and the space.....that sounds wonderful. I can't wait to see what you post about in the future...

Lorraine said...

someone is definitely looking after you and providing you with good fortune..I am so glad that you have a good job and that the kids are happy

martha brown said...

Utah! I knew that you were moving -- but I just thought you were moving off of the island! Congratulations on the job, Melinda! (I have a Bernina that I wouldn't give up for anything!) please send me your new address!

Sherry said...

Yay! A job and in a fabric store. You couldn't ask for a better place to work!! I think I would be in heaven.

I'm so glad the kids have so many kids to play with and I didn't know your nephew's name was Jace. I'm a little partial to that name!

Glad your there safe and sound!