That is the big question in my emails from friends lately...Ok, to tell the truth it has been one big pity party around here and I have been the only celebrant....I have spent a lot of time in pajamas with unbrushed hair, played the yahoo game Big Kahuna until I beat every level twice (andrew calls it the tupid (stupid) fishy game, he heard this from auntie) and generally just moped about. And dang it , I feel entitled to do so every once in a while but I think I am over it now. It may have something to do with the fact that I am tired of sleeping and playing a video game, who knows? Life is hard right now, and the word hard probably does not do it justice and I am trying to learn to cope and move on but it is a long process I think. I pray a lot for God to show me the way to go from here and for courage to start over and occasionally, I throw a tantrum just in case he isn't feeling me that day. I appreciate all of your kind thoughts and prayers and I know they help and keep em' coming!!!!!!!! So what has been going on around here other than that? The kids enjoyed Halloween and Andrew loved trick or treating...Every morning he carries around his plastic pumpkin and asks me to take him "tomorrow"....I think to him tomorrow means today....I try to explain that it is only once a year but he doesn't get it. He also sings "happy birthday to Andrew " every day and asks if he is having a cake...you guessed it, ....tomorrow. Olivia's school had a feast day in honor of Thanksgiving on Monday and I went to that. She is always so proud to have me there, it melts my heart. We have been doing alot of cooking together and she always wears her apron and I wear mine. Andrew wants to help so I scoot a chair over to the sink and run a trickle of water and give him a sponge and he washes spoons until he loses interest. Oh yeah, and he stuck a rock up his nose...way up. I convinced him to blow it out and hopefully that is the last of the up the nose incidents. Daniel sold a bunch of popcorn for his cub scout troop...The little bugger waited till the last minute and then went out and hustled up some business...Sales runs in his blood you know....He was pretty proud of how well he did and he has had fun delivering it to customers. As far as making things, I have been , but I cant show a lot cause it is gift type stuff...I am showing one flower pin that I made that has a nice sparkle to it...I also made up an apron pattern and it is sooooo cute and soooo easy and I am going to market it. it is based on my friend Laura's mothers apron...Something she whipped up in the 40's. When it is made up, it looks great and like it took a lot of work but it has FOUR pieces....It cant get much easier. I also got an award from Sanna at
http://sannasartmind.blogspot.com/. it is the I love your blog award and she also tagged me earlier for 7 random things about myself... So here goes.....
1. I can think of a zillion stories or things to write about, but I hate to type so I don't put them down.
2. I always like the book better than the movie...ALWAYS
3.I know from what part of my life I knew someone by what they call me....childhood, family, high school it's Mindy and from adulthood on it is Melinda...My real name is Melinda by the way. My dad picked it out and at the time it was unusual. I asked and he cant remember how he thought of it. I asked him why Melinda and he said, mmmm, "well so we could call you Mindy.." Well, here is a thought, why not just name me freakin MINDY? go figure....parents.
4. Bill Clinton makes me puke in my mouth...he is a lech plain and simple and it grosses me out, and that is about all I will ever say on my blog about politics. He and old Ted Kennedy should hook up.
5.I laugh really loud and sometimes I snort when I laugh which is better that saying sometimes I pee when I laugh...in my book anyway.
6. When I am mad, out comes the broom and mop and for heavens sake , don't talk to me or get in my way.
7. The most excited about a Christmas present I ever got was when I was seven and I got a hula hoop....My mom wrapped it just like it was and I would wait till they left the room and I would hula hoop with the wrapping on it...I loved the sound it made. We used to beg my dad to do it in our living room in Tillamook and we would laugh hysterically when he tried. of course when I opened it, I was surprised and amazed.....
Ok, Cinda, I am back on here..........you can rest easy now!